When the Countryside calls …

The beautiful crisp mornings make the days so much better, despite the early mornings we decided to be on the road by just to 8 am, taking the back roads and dodging any possible wildlife as well as seeing the many cattle and horses grazing on the paddocks we soon made our way to Violet Town in the State’s North East.

Violet Town was again playing host to the incredible farmers market,  which happen to occur so many times a month, a year. It is so worth checking them out for any collectables, farming equipment, fashion and of course the fruit and vegetable stalls.

We drove through Benalla and then into Violet Town, many had already taken the parking places which were available but not to worry, we are young/fit/healthy so we walked a little further to the market.

It was such a great experience and being able to have a chat to the individual sellers / growers made it more worthwhile.


                               #country   #farmersmarket   #violettown   #statesnortheast


Seed. Plant. Harvest

With Autumn now happening here on the East Coast of Australia, or as one wants to refer to as ‘happening in the slowest of paces’ with temperatures still within the 30’s. Our passion for gardening had had my Partner and I literally head to our Garden Centre Bunnings twice in the last twenty-four hours.

What a bargain we made though!

Gardening pots for only two bucks, so cheap when the original price was eighteen dollars …

This makes you question how expensive gardening can become don’t it?

Anyhow, as herbs are currently a big ‘go to, easy to do’ kinda thing, we sure did buy some seeds which we then planted in our new pots.

Let me note here that my Partner was wrapped all the way home from the store and while planting the seeds to have found this incredible bargain, that we ended up going back for a second purchase of another two pots! Who could blame him?!

After planting and having added a teeny tiny bit of fertilizer, my significant other half kept running outside to see if any of the seeds have started growing yet


The herbs we planted are parsley, rosemary, dill, chives and basil but we decided to also seed european kohlrabi as well as some lavender.

Please check back here for updates on how things are growing !

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If you are a gardener, have a passion for the outdoors and/or gardening or simply are just interested in planting a few “bits and pieces”, we would love to hear from you.

Until then, take care from


Growing up with City Skylines

What becomes of us once we travel away from your own comfort zone?

What happens when we get in the car and travel to a nice country place, hours away from the city?

Will we be happy to find out where we are or what can become of us?

Having just recently been on location in the country side has certainly given me a new understanding of what this beautiful country has to offer. Yes, I have lived in the city all my life, dealt with the millions of train and other transport commuters on a daily basis inclusive of the sprints to the train station or buses in order to get a seat on the way home, grown up to the beautiful skylights of various cities around the world and have never thought much about traveling away from it all. The city is my ‘comfort zone’ – along the way having come to know most train timetables off by heart, bus routes and most of all know how to find my way in a large city where the traffic is as bad as owning two-thousand dairy cattle that all need to get milked at the same time.

The question on everyone’s heads….

How do you even begin to deal with it all?

Good question that one, I could not possibly give a good enough answer.

Have I ever thought much about life in the country? No! I do not know all too much about living on acreage or a ranch and dealing with cattle stock, horses, farm animals and the overall running of the business such as fertilizing paddocks for hay and silage, harvesting fruit trees and looking after vegetable seedlings, while in the same thought trying to organise contract workers who help you move your business in the right direction by simply lending a hand.

I get the shivers when told to drive a tractor, but smile when flying across the paddock on a motorbike. I squeal when finding a huntsman spider in my bathroom but thinking they are “so cute + fluffy” when finding them in a wood heap on the land.

How odd is that! 

I throw a tantrum because I have no phone reception + therefore can not update my social media status but had the most amazing time constructing a new fence, yes three star steel pickets, wooden posts to strain, klip on bolts for electric fences upon rolls and rolls of wire.

What on earth is happening to me!

It kind of makes me wonder, if an amount of me does actually like this new found country adventure and all that comes with it.

Yes, no doubt!

While wondering if those living in the country would like the city with the lifestyle it brings.

 Probably Not!

Take step into the charming Country Lifestyle

Take step into the charming Country Lifestyle

Looking at Life through different eyes, after having been away for sometime,

for which I of course do apologize. I was whisked away to the Country side and loved every minute of it. From trying to help fix fences, seeing calving cows on the paddocks, spot lighting to see what kind of wildlife we could find at night time, watching thew night sky, filling wombat holes with saw dust to avoid unnecessary accidents all the way to literally cleaning + degreasing a tractor (it is certainly something totally different compared to living a life that has been played out mostly in the city or outskirts of it). #BestofBothWorlds

I do always think of how lucky I am to have the opportunity to get to know the country side through all these opportunities. Of course it is nothing for the faint hearted, seeing huntsman spiders and billions of European wasps swarming around everywhere but its an experience that is totally worth it.

Hard work in the mornings with a 7AM start time to the relaxing time in the late afternoon, with a nice glass of wine to wind up the day. it definitely could not get any better than that.  #QuietSurroundings  

I am looking forward to be taken back to these wonderful moments + learning experiences along with the quiet yet charming lifestyle.



Oh, Country Life

I wake up each morning,
to the most beautiful view.
A breath of fresh air,
and a sky crispy blue.

A wonderland of life,
on pastures so green.
Relaxed and at peace,
my mind feels so clean.

Life out here,
does not seem like a chore.
There’s plenty of work,
but more to explore.

People are friendly,
smiles we share.
For mother earth,
we all mutually care.

Homemade apple pie,
during my walks, I can smell.
My joys and gratitude,
to the birds I just yell.

Oh, Country life,
That I love and embrace.
This is my home,
this is my place.

~ by anitapoems.com

(Credit of this poem goes to this incredible writer)

That three hour drive, through the Hills

That three hour drive, through the Hills

That three hour drive through the hills was yet again one educational journey. A journey which offered an escape from the noisy city life and into a much calmer + relaxing atmosphere.

Feeling the wind blowing through our hair, while feeling the warm Sun Rays as we are driving through The Black Spur in Victoria’s Yarra Valley Region. The beautiful array of flowers, trees and ferns made the drive through the windy section of road quite enjoyable and even more so beautiful.

Once we have headed into Mansfield, also referred to the Gateway to Mount Buller, we made a quick pit – stop to stretch our legs then headed further towards our envious location, ssshhh as We are letting you in on a partial secret.

While ultimately being on the home stretch already. Up and down, left and right through the Hills yet again [sleep deprivation can solve so many issues when you can’t stand the windy roads where your stomach starts to roll around in your tummy and you feel absolutely unwell! 😉 ]

Being on the home stretch we did indeed stop the car in the middle of the road while helping a long neck tortoise back to a dam, yes she simply rested on the road! How lucky there were no other cars at the time…once we arrived at our stunning location, it was time for a deliciour dinner and some spot lighting for animals, we saw some wombats, wallaby’s, of course some deer and a whole heap of native birds and of course I can’t forget to include our tortoise from earlier on…after all this it was just slightly past our bedtime.

The next day was spent helping with some errands at the property while then making a nice drive into Wangaratta, Victoria and paying a visit to the Browns Brothers Winery + Cellar Door in Milawa Victoria. Beautiful, prestige setting with the most incredible wines. We tried some Moscato’s, they happen to be my favorite and we got given the opportunity to taste a few wines which are super new and haven’t even hit the stores yet! How lucky are we! It was pretty special to be honest. Our favorite from the tastings was The Moscato + Savignon Blanc. The wine was vibrant and quite bright. Soo enjoyable and amazing! Even my other half who isn’t necessarily the biggest wine drinker around loved it! So a bottle came home with us 🙂

With the weather we were pretty lucky too, around the mid 30’s which allowed us an excuse for a dash to the Supermarket and “Hello Icecream… – even half price.

While the day wound up we spent time relaxing Alfresco, with a glass of wine while playing ”Fetch the Washing Peg” with the Property Owner’s Jack Russell, her name is Puppy. She must have enjoyed her playtime as the peg was bent and torn in every possible direction.

It was a great trip even though it was not long enough, but we will be back!!!

Love + Light,

A. x

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Have YOU Got The Country Charm?

Have YOU Got The Country Charm?

Living in Suburbia with close proximity to the City Business District [CBD] can be clearly envisioned by anyone literally, bright Lights, loud Music, Noise, many People many of them in Suits and Business Attire, rush Hour, long and draining train Commutes, hectic Lifestyle and ‘9-5’ Office Hours.


However living in the Rural Area where the picking of Grapes, Fruits/Vegetables and the making of Wines is a daily and seasonal Occurrence. The early Mornings where waking up at 5:30am to a bunch of wild Birds including Rosellas [Australian Natives] is the most beautiful thing, where cuddles with my partner along with a nice Coffee/Hot Chocolate and Mixed Grill Breakfast are part of our Morning Routine and Trips to the Shops are about an Hour’s drive away. Where you see your Neighbours drive by in their working Utes giving a wave or toot as they go past, where the sound of the Tractor on the Paddock across the Field past the boundary line fence of the Property I am currently staying at keeps me relaxed and calm and the feeling of the Wind softly blowing through my Hair as I go out onto the back Porch to enjoy the stunning Rays of Sunshine with not a worry in my mind [coffee in hand! 😉 ]

A Place where Team-Work is essential, the Credit Card takes the Purchases at the Country Markets, Cattle Yards and the yearly Country Fairs compared to Myers, Designer Retailers and the well known Junk Food Franchises while your Overall Health is paramount and hugely important.

Where my “Business Attire consists of my favorite R.M.Williams Boots, Stockyard Jeans and R.M.Williams Shirt [of course in my favorite color you guessed it]


A Place where working on Property is not considered hard Labor but the Love of working on a Farm and making this Place a Charming Country Home. A rural Place far away from the hectic and busy City Life, a rural Setting where Forty Cattle stare at you from the other side of the Fence while Sheep and Lambs, the big variety of Chickens, a Dog and Cat are your best friends and the beginning of the day starts and ends from

‘When the Sun comes up until the Sun goes down’. #singit

Surely, living on Property is not for Everyone, but for those who cherish and enjoy this Lifestyle so be it. Personally I am a City Girl but have taken admiration to having

The Best of Both Worlds

#RuralLiving #CountryCharm #RMWilliams #HowluckyamI

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